
Great benefits and great risks: that’s AI application in a nutshell. It offers the legal services industry vast potential for efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness. Firms are understandably keen to take advantage – but wary of the potential for errors. Workflows are highly complex and consistently evolving, and the sector has extremely specific requirements and regulations. Generic SaaS solutions won’t do.

In short, firms want the benefits without the risk. Avantia solves this problem, with a world-leading approach to tech-enabled delivery.

Avantia Law Dashboard
Avantia Law Dashboard
Avantia Law Dashboard
Avantia Law Dashboard
Avantia Law Dashboard

AI: opportunity and challenge

Used correctly, AI application has marked effects on productivity and quality. But getting it wrong has major downsides.

In a highly regulated industry such as law, there’s no room for error. We see a huge opportunity to offer our clients a premium service with the benefits of AI adoption, without computer-generated hallucinations or other failures.

"Researchers at Harvard Business School working with Boston Consulting Group found that when consultants used AI on tasks that AI can perform well, they managed to work 25% faster and produce 40% better quality work.

However, when the consultants used AI on tasks it performs unreliably, the same consultants produced 30% poorer quality work, largely because they found it difficult to spot errors in the work the AI produced."

Avantia’s solution

We’re building the first AI agent platform fit for use in an enterprise service business. It differs from other AI offerings in two key aspects.

Our platform records how our users interact with common business apps and identifies common tasks they complete. It then learns the sequences of tasks that are commonly performed together and stores these as workflows that may be specific to an individual user. We can then suggest to the user a workflow matching the context they are in, remind users about workflow steps that haven’t yet been completed, complete tasks that are suitable for AI automation without user interaction, and react dynamically to the changing needs of their business.

The second is that, unlike any other AI orchestration system, we provide strict runtime guarantees that our proposed workflows can be executed without error. To do this, we treat each workflow as a separate AI program that needs to be compiled before it is executed.

Our AI compiler checks the workflow for inconsistencies, enforces strict error handling, and optimizes the program for execution. This ensures, before a workflow can be run by a user, we know we can give a set of outputs back that are safe and interpretable. 

Every month, we’re adding new workflows. They range from the complex – reviewing or creating legal documents – to automations such as predicting and preparing email responses, creating to-do lists, finding documents or clauses, or uploading contracts to a client database.

Our workflow, visualised:

Avantia Law technology info graphic
Avantia Law technology info graphic
Avantia Law technology info graphic
Avantia Law technology info graphic
Avantia Law technology info graphic

How we’re leading tech-enabled delivery

No other solution offers the rigor, consistency and quality of Avantia. With us, clients get the benefit of AI adoption without the risks that come with buying a SaaS AI tool. Everything that can be automated successfully, is automated – with the guarantee of quality, consistency and cost-effectiveness.

Our tech leadership team

We’re building a world-leading legal and technology company, and we’ve assembled the tech leadership team to drive this. With experience delivering AI automation platforms to enterprise businesses like BlackRock and Bloomberg, they understand the need for scale, accuracy, and data security.

Paul Gaskell

Paul Gaskell


Paul Gaskell

Paul Gaskell


Paul Gaskell

Paul Gaskell


Paul Gaskell

Paul Gaskell


Paul Gaskell

Paul Gaskell


Varun Balupuri

Varun Balupuri

VP of Engineering

Varun Balupuri

Varun Balupuri

VP of Engineering

Varun Balupuri

Varun Balupuri

VP of Engineering

Varun Balupuri

Varun Balupuri

VP of Engineering

Varun Balupuri

Varun Balupuri

VP of Engineering

Thomas Barillot

Thomas Barillot

VP of AI

Thomas Barillot

Thomas Barillot

VP of AI

Thomas Barillot

Thomas Barillot

VP of AI

Thomas Barillot

Thomas Barillot

VP of AI

Thomas Barillot

Thomas Barillot

VP of AI