Modern Slavery Act

Avantia Law Limited is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales (registered number 11581671). We are a provider of legal services and operate from the United Kingdom.

As a provider of legal services, we do not have long or complex supply chains - our main suppliers are providers of office supplies and support services (such as reprographics, transcription services, printing and scanning), IT and technology services and equipment and facilities management. We are nevertheless committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both our business and our supply chain. We expect all of our suppliers to conduct their business in a lawful and ethical manner, including adopting business practices that prevent or eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking from taking place.

We develop relationships with our suppliers, and trust and transparency is embedded in everything we do. This is key to our approach to corporate responsibility, and in turn, combating modern slavery.

We also require our suppliers, both current and prospective, to achieve certain standards in areas such as information risk, management of employees, legislative compliance, business continuity and environmental standards. If we identify a supplier or prospective supplier as being at risk of not achieving these standards (including in relation to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015) then we work with them to address the risks. If we are not able to agree a resolution, this may lead to us ending our relationship with them.

We have reviewed our procurement process to ensure consistency in our approach to engaging with suppliers and more transparency of their ways of working. We place a greater emphasis on corporate responsibility, environmental and diversity requirements. These reviews are ongoing so that we can ensure continuous improvement.

Whilst we develop our approach to combating modern slavery and human trafficking we will continue to assess and manage any risks on an on-going basis. We will continue to apply the same high ethical standards to both our employees and suppliers with clear accountability for failing to meet them.